The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the three oldest and largest pyramids in the Giza Necropolis. The Giza Necropolis is located on the Giza Plateau, which stands bordering Cairo, Egypt. It is one of the seven wonders of ancient world and is the oldest of all seven. Out of seven wonders of ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only to remain largely intact.
After its construction, the Great Pyramid of Giza remained the tallest man made structure in the world for more than 3,800 years. Initially this pyramid had a height of 146.5 meters, but due to erosion the height has come down to 138.8 meters. 
Egyptologists believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a tomb for pharaoh Khufu, who was a fourth dynasty Egyptian. It is believed that the pyramid was constructed over a 20 year period and construction was completed at around 2560 BC. 
There are three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. The King’s chamber, Queen’s chamber and an unfinished chamber. The King’s chamber is built entirely of rose granite. In the entire pyramid, the stones used in the construction of this chamber are the heaviest. The walls are made up of 101 stones and the floor is made up of 21 stones. A granite sarcophagus is present in this chamber and small apertures originate from here which lead to shafts on the north and south walls.